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STALLION - From the Dead [Ltd. Slipcase]

KARG - Resilienz [Ltd. Digipack]

OPPROBRIUM (INCUBUS) - Serpent Temptation [Ltd. LP/ROJO]


OPPROBRIUM (INCUBUS) - Serpent Temptation - The Alternate Version 1996 [Ltd. LP/PLATA]

OPPROBRIUM (INCUBUS) - Serpent Temptation - The Alternate Version 1996 [Ltd. LP/SPLATTER]


EXUMER - Possessed By Fire [Ltd. PICTURE DISC]

EXUMER - Rising From The Sea [Ltd. LP/SPLATTER]

VIOLATOR - Chemical Assault [Ltd. LP/SPLATTER]

Precio: $650.00
En stock

  OLD - Down with the Nails [Ltd.LP/NEGRO]

Categoría: VINILOS

Año: 2014

Intérprete\Disquera: Peaceville

Origen: Alemania

Sucio black thrash alemán influenciado por bandas como CELTIC FROST, BULLDOZER, CHAKAL y demás huestes!!

OLD serán el dominio infernal!!!

Filthy Black/Thrash! - 87%
- RavenousReviews

Quality black/thrash! - 87%
- PlagueRages

True Old School Metal Possession - 91%
- Culthailer


VITAL REMAINS - Into Cold Darkness [LP/BLACK]

VARGRAV - The Nighthold [Digipack]

USURPER - Threshold Of The Usurper [Ltd.Digipack]

THE GREAT OLD ONES - Cosmicism [Digipack]

THE COLD EXISTENCE - The Essence [JewelCase]

THE COLD EXISTENCE - Beyond Comprehension [JewelCase]

TANKARD - Stone Cold Sober [Ltd.Digipack]

SUMMONING - Old Mornings Dawn [JewelCase]

STORMVOLD - Third Bestial Mutilation [Jewelcase]

SENTENCED - The Cold White Light [Ltd. LP/G/BLACK]

OLD THRONE - Obscure Incantation to Karma Jesus [Jewelcase]

OLD MANS CHILD - Vermin [JewelBox]

OLD MANS CHILD - The Pagan Prosperity [SuperJewelBox]

OLD MANS CHILD - Revelation 666 (The Curse of Damnation) [Ltd. LP/G/NARANJA]

OLD MANS CHILD - Revelation 666 (The Curse of Damnation) [Ltd. JewelBox]

OLD MANS CHILD - Ill Nature Spiritual Invasión [JewelBox]

OLD MANS CHILD - Born of the Flickering [SuperJewelBox]

OLD MAN'S CHILD - Slaves of the World [Ltd. LP/ROJO]

OLD CRUCIFIX - Demons Curse [JewelCase]

OLD CHAPEL - Visions from Beyond [Ltd. JewelCase]
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MARDUK - Dark Endless [Ltd. Digipack] (Black Lodge Recs)

GORGOSAUR - Lurking Among Corpses [JewelCase]

MORT - Godless Dominion

DEATH ANGEL - Humanicide [Ltd. Digipack]

KISSIN’ DYNAMITE - Generation Goodbye

INFERIS - In The Path Of Malignant Spirits